About Chani
Part of the story…….. :)
I was born into a Dharma community in remote north western Tasmania, Australia, that was steeped in Tibetan Buddhism. I was exposed to Dharma teaching and principles from a very early age, and as a child was lucky to be in the presence of some truly inspiring teachers, most notably Zasep Tulku Rinpoche. I have memories of being with Rinpoche and a mob of kids walking around the Gompa (meditation hall) noisily pretending to be monsters while the “adults” tried to meditate inside! Rinpoche’s kindness, inclusion of children, and sense of humour was a profound shaping of my life that planted many potent seeds.
I trained in contemporary and classical dance for 15 years as a child and young adult, which gave me an appreciation of the capacity of the body. Although I never considered myself a very good dancer (I really wasn’t!) I can now see that this training gave me a foundational awareness of how energy moves in the body, and what an important role an alive posture has in supporting health and the development of consciousness.
My 20’s were spent travelling, studying, searching, experimenting, and tasting life. The truth of suffering and my own struggles and sometimes painful questions finally landed me fully on the path of Dharma, where I learned to meditate properly, and to have a reliable framework within which to study and explore the laws of reality that lead to genuine freedom. I feel grateful for the way my raw and heartfelt questions were ‘answered’ by life, leading me to the right places, and the right people, who could support my understanding and unfolding.
My own direct experience of personal crises and health challenges led me to dive deeply into embodiment and trauma healing practices in order to understand why I was repeatedly struggling in the ways I did, and why some of my best efforts didn’t seem to lead anywhere. I came to understand the conditions that lead to a situation of bound-up life energy, and more importantly what we can do to release these patters of body and mind. This included learning the art and power of resting as deep practice., which I was “forced” to learn in order to heal from chronic fatigue and an autoimmune thyroid disorder. This was a true blessing in disguise, and I am now a passionate advocate for resting as a radical act of presence, kindness and healing for ourselves and for the earth.
I have spent the last 15 years under the guidance of my principal teacher Bonni Ross, engaged in dedicated and rigorous study and practice of traditional and contemporary forms of non-dual liberation. I have also met, practiced and studied with many wonderful teachers from a range of traditions, including Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Jess Huon, Tarchin Hearn, Leander Kane, and Christopher Titmuss. Other important influences have been masters of embodiment, meditation and trauma healing such as Moshe Feldenkrais, Ruthy Alon, Namgyal Rinpoche, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyal, Mooji, Adyashanti, Thomas Hubl, and Peter Levine, as well as countless writers, artists, and poets, including the beloved Michael Leunig.
With ongoing encouragement, I have been sharing my experience in dharma/meditation practice and embodiment since 2012, both supporting my teachers and mentors, as well as leading and co-facilitating regular classes, workshops and retreats in New Zealand and Australia. This is an ever-revealing, humbling and truly satisfying life to walk with others on the path of liberation.
In 2021 I became a mum to our beautiful daughter, Orla Gaia. I think I learned more about life becoming a parent than in all my years of training before! I am now walking the awesome, difficult, rewarding, exhausting, deeply satisfying path of motherhood and the beautiful challenge of integrating the essence of our world’s wisdom teachings into the nitty gritty of everyday life.
I am also slowly studying and learning te reo Māori and Māoritanga, and coming to deeply appreciate the humanitarian principles and spirituality embedded in the language and indigenous culture of the country where I now live, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Training and Background :
Bachelor of Science, Plant Science and Environmental Studies (2000)
Diploma of Remedial Massage (2007)
Graduate of Melbourne 4 Feldenkrais Professional Training Program (2013)
Co-founder of The dharmasphere Collective, Nelson NZ (2020)
Principles of Collective Trauma Healing, 5 month Program with Thomas Hubl (2021)
The Collective Healing Journey, 5 month program with Thomas Hubl (2022)
The Ancestral Healing Journey, 5 month program with Thomas Hubl (2023)

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
- His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama