To support your practice
This page is undergoing a joyous reconstruction! Please bear with me as I add a whole bunch more nourishing and supportive FREE resources for you.
If you have questions about anything you see here, or would like any further recommendations, feel free to get in touch.
You can also find blog posts and educational articles I’ve written here. New articles are being added regularly.
A Recipe for Connection and Happiness
in less than 2 minutes!
When it all gets too much…..
a 60 second reminder that you are supported
WARNING : You may not want to get up off the ground!
Mindfulness / Meditation
Recordings :
These lying down practices offer a taste of the basis of the embodiment practices I offer. Simply lie down, make yourself comfortable, and be guided to attend to your body in an expanded, healing and illuminating way.
The following guided meditations are not intended to replace personal instruction with an experienced teacher, however they may help to get you started and inspire your practice. If you would like further meditation instruction, feel free to Contact Me.
And here are a couple of downloadable guides to help you get started and continue with a safe, supported and satisfying practice :
Recommended reading :
Breathing - The Natural Way to Meditate by Tarchin Hearn
Start Where You Are; Awakening Loving Kindness by Pema Chodron
Meditation in Action by Chogyam Trungpa
World as Lover, World as Self; A Wild Love for the World by Joanna Macy
The Logic of Faith; The Power of an Open Question by Elizabeth Mattis Namgyal
The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Naht Hanh
Mindsight; M+WE by Dr Daniel Siegel
The Buddha’s Brain by Dr Rick Hanson
In Touch by John Prendergast
Aligned, Relaxed and Resilient by Will Johnson
Other recommended teachers and organisations :
Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre www.wangapeka.org
Green Dharma Treasury - the web library of Tarchin Hearn www.greendharmatreasury.org
Jess Huon www.jesshuon.com
Siddhartha’s Intent www.siddharthasintent.org

Feldenkrais / Movement
Recordings :
These Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons offer a taste of attending to your self in a whole new way! Simply find a place on the floor where you can move easily, and enjoy.
Video demonstrations
This delightful video shows Baby Liv demonstrating many of the learning principles inherent in the Feldenkrais method - designed to stimulate our organic, innate learning capacity and joy!
My colleague Michael Cann, who I trained with in Melbourne, made this excellent cartoon video to try to explain - How DOES Feldenkrais Help People?
Recommended reading :
The Brain that Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge
Embodied Wisdom, The Potent Self and Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais
Mindful Spontaneity by Ruthy Alon
Get in touch.
If you have any questions about these resources, or would like any further recommendations, send me a message below.