Individual mentoring

In person and online

Would you benefit from any of these ?

  • a safe and trusted space for witnessing and exploring your authentic process

  • transparent communication and deep listening

  • support with decision making, prioritising, and setting up positive habits

  • accountability

  • a deeper understanding of your patterns, strengths, and blocks

  • processes to transmute fears into creative possibility

  • support to establish and maintain a satisfying and rich meditation practice

  • resources and inspiration

  • optional writing, creative exploration, embodiment and other practices to support and augment your process 


Mentoring sessions can cover a range of territory of your personal or professional life. Their purpose is to point you in the direction of your own knowing, to widen the lens of awareness and open up a field of possibility that integrates the “parts” of you into a more harmonious whole. It is to support you to bring the absolute best of yourself, what you know is within you to offer the world, forward. You are welcome to bring any aspect of your unique life experience and understanding to the conversation. This may include your work, your family life, your relationships, your spiritual practice, your hopes, dreams, fears, and desires. There is nothing outside the scope of our generous listening and attention.

Through our grounded presence and shared enquiry, we apply ourselves to the creative process of life unfolding, with gentleness and precision. We develop genuine motivation to actualise our human desire for true happiness. Meditation is not a quick-fix. It is simple to learn, but not easy to master. It is a practice of working with your own mind, that when cultivated will reward you over and over for the rest of your life.

Individual mentoring can help you get started, support you to deepen your practice, assist you when you get stuck, and provide much needed inspiration and encouragement to enjoy the process! Whether you’re wanting to increase your professional capacity, your relational capacity, or wanting a safe space to freely explore your deep questions about life, this is a space that welcomes your humanness and invites your strength, clarity, and wisdom to shine.

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“The ultimate definition of bravery is not being afraid of who you are.”

Chogyam Trungpa

In individual mentoring sessions you will…

Receive deep listening, empathetic presence, ongoing support and inspiration for your unique unfolding

Develop your skills and a confident practice that genuinely serves you with personal guidance and practical tools

Activate your agency, creativity, and efficacy to have more impact in your work, relationships, and what you bring to the world

Unfold your own innate wisdom and potential to live a life of clear intention, true alignment, and wholehearted engagement

Enjoy friendly, open and trusting dialogue, the opportunity to ask questions and troubleshoot any difficulties that may arise

These sessions are NOT therapy. Through the power of our shared presence, with the intention to support you as a whole person, they are designed to evoke your own wisdom, insight and inspiration. We follow the living thread to liberate that deep knowing. Together we embrace not only the "you" that is now, but also all the previous "you"s that have gifted you with so much life learning, and the "you" that is growing, ever-evolving and emerging.

To support your process, I share primarily from my training in the wisdom teachings of Buddhadharma, the mind science of meditation, modern neuroscience, and embodiment modalities, as well as creative exploration to augment the process. I support an all-inclusive approach where no part of us is left out of the equation, and we can foster the fundamental kindness, decency, bravery and harmony within us and among all human beings.

We can begin with a free 15 minute check-in call, to see whether we are aligned and a good fit for working together. 

We don’t need anything special to be ourselves,

to be here.

My core values and guiding principles

  • Integrity

    Alignment of body, speech, and mind. Truthfulness and straightforwardness in communication. Knowing what I stand for. Being human. Being real.

  • Connection

    Daily practice to connect to the vast wellspring of universal peace, inspiration, and creative potential. Connecting with nature and other humans - specifically how we support each other, through inspiring community networks.

  • Heart

    Guided by the healing power of the heart. Embodying empathy, warmth, forgiveness, and acceptance. Embracing and honouring each person’s unique experience and expression. Creating space for who we are and what we are becoming.

  • Ethics

    A sense of responsibility, interconnection and interdependence. That what I do, and how I do it, matters. Connecting with the supportive network of all of life, living in a flow of giving and receiving.

  • Joy

    Being guided by what brings joy! Creating things of beauty, uplifting the space. Connecting to the natural joy of life through enlivening awareness of each of the senses.

  • Enquiry and Exploration

    Being on a learning journey. Asking questions. Opening to new experience. Embracing complexity, doubt and paradox. Seeking wisdom in all forms, in all situations. Growing my capacity and my humanity.



Where do I start?

Sessions will start with an attunement - a brief meditation to align body, emotions, mind and intention. We will then dialogue about what your goals are, what you already know about yourself and what you need, and identifying the areas you wish to develop. By getting clear about your goals and intentions, as well as the common pitfalls/distractions that may arise, we can identify clear steps to take, and outline a pathway for practice that fits your unique situation.

How will I benefit?

Benefits are wide ranging. They can include stress relief, a reduction in depression/anxiety, a sense of inspiration and clarity about your life purpose, an increase in compassion, meaningful engagement and emotional resilience, an improved ability to focus, to stay calm under pressure, and to stay curious about the wide and sometimes messy range of human experience and how to transform that into fuel for growth.

How often should I come?

Generally, we would start with a block of 2-3 sessions, then adapt according to your needs and circumstances. Some people like to do this weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on how well-established they feel in their practice and what support might be needed at any given time. This is part of our ongoing alive dialogue.

Who is eligible?

Individual mentoring / meditation instruction is available once you have met Chani by either by completing a retreat or attending one of her group classes or workshops. If this doesn’t apply to you, please get in touch to discuss your unique situation and whether it’s a good fit.

Sessions are offered via face to face meetings in Nelson, NZ or via Zoom, Skype or telephone. As part of your mentoring process, you will receive a tailor-made package of practice resources, as well as ongoing access to the full range of practices and resources that Chani offers.

How much does it cost?

Individual mentoring and meditation instruction is available by Dana. Dana is an ancient word that means “generosity” or “giving” and is a profound practice in itself. It is an offering from the heart, according to your means. Genuine teachings of liberation have been offered in this way for thousands of years, ensuring their authenticity and trustworthiness.

The dana principle is based on the premise that genuine liberation teachings cannot be commodified or have a price tag put on them, because they point to the inherent freedom, dignity and sanity of all human beings. Everyone, no matter who they are, has the capacity to “wake up”, to come into right relationship with themselves and the world. In this way, the teachings are the great equaliser, and thus no-one can own or possess them. They really are free.

This somewhat radical approach of generous exchange lays a solid foundation for the quality of practice and growth that we will engage in together.

You are invited to consider the years of training and considerable effort that has been undertaken to share these practices and make them accessible, as well as their value in your life.

The intention is to make sessions readily available to all interested people, while honouring the value of what is being offered.

Get in touch.

If you have any questions about individual mentoring and how it might be a good fit for you, send me a message below.

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