The Embodiment Journey
At home in the body, at home in the world.
Self-paced and supported online course.
Start anytime. Take as long as you need. There is no time limit on this course.
The Journey begins…

Segment 1
Available Now
In this segment we will lay down a steady foundation for our embodiment journey, and learn to honour and trust our direct experience. We will introduce the foundational practices to train our attention, and discover the power of an open question to activate our unfolding.
Through movement, meditation and experiential anatomy, we will enquire into many questions, including - What is a body? What is it comprised of? What are its layers of experience? How do I experience my body and what is my relationship to it? How do I train my senses? What does my body have to teach me? How can I learn to trust my experience?
We will strengthen our capacity to self-regulate, reduce stress, deepen calm, and come into a more congruent relationship with our bodily experience. This allows us to develop an easeful and satisfying way to inhabit our day to day lives.
Central to this segment is a training in learning to feel directly in our bodies the support of the Earth. Opening to this vast resevoir and bank of experience, we can discover internal and external resources we didn’t know we had. This liberates stuck energy and offers us a genuine pathway to healing, wholeness, and clarity of purpose.

Laying the Ground modules
Module 1 - Coming Home
In this module you will be getting to know your body, from the inside. Gently drawing your attention inwards, the practices will start to develop your awareness and the ability to sense yourself more clearly. This is the cultivation of “experiential anatomy” - not just what we learn about in textbooks, but how we actually experience for ourselves. The process of regulating your nervous system begins, and you will be establishing a sense of trust, safety and curiosity in your experience.
Module 2 - Breathe, and Be Earth
This module is about recognising and developing your primary relationship with the Earth, as a profound support system for your unfolding. We will focus on Ground, Body and Breath to support the deepening of calm and brightening of awareness. Through the body and the breath, you will learn to tap into the Earth as an unending wellspring of positive energy and renewal.
Module 3 - The River of Life
In this module we will be opening to the wider net of resources of your life - your family, community, history, ecology, inspiring influences and spiritual supports. We will place ourselves in a context more aligned with reality, and start to detect the powerful river that is flowing underneath all the surface waves of our human lives. We begin to recognise and identify with deeper, more reliable, and sustaining levels of our being.
Module 4 - Feel, Heal, and Be Real
In this module we will focus on the natural process of healing and integration that the body has to teach us. We start to befriend the “unlived life of the body” and to make generous room for all of our human experience. You will be gathering the inner and outer resources to meet with whatever arises, grow in response-ability, and embrace your healing movement towards wholeness.
Module 5 - Body of Wisdom
In this module you will be deepening into the principle of Body as Teacher. As your trust in your experience builds, and your inner and outer senses continue to open, you become available for more of life to arise in you. The body points us to the unconditioned, the open space of freedom and possibility inherent in every moment of our lives.
Module 6 - Following the Thread
Where to from here? What are the threads of intuition, inspiration and wisdom arising in your experience? How do you recognise them and which ones should you follow? This segment will offer guidance and support to follow your knowing and continue unfolding in the direction of your greatest aliveness.
I participated in The Embodiment Journey and found it to be extraordinarily powerful. As a person who has “lived” in their head for so many years I already knew that getting in touch with my body was my way forward. I learned from the course that getting in touch with my body actually needed me to get in touch with the whole universe. Chani is a wonderful teacher whose humility allows for her students to learn and grow under an umbrella of deep compassion. I hope that this course touches the lives of as many people as possible.
Simon - Surveyor, 2022 Course Participant
"At the time of commencing the course, I was in deep despair and sorrow over the declining state of Mother Earth and our seeming unpreparedness as a species to make the changes necessary for our civilisation to prosper and survive. None of this has changed, in fact the crisis has deepened. Through my participation in this course, I have found a way to come back to being grounded in nature again and to rest in my body when it all becomes overwhelming, to somehow settle the despair and allow presence to be a felt experience. It doesn’t change the world - but it makes it easier to bear, to find the beauty and sustenance, and life makes sense again. I highly recommend this course."
Carol - 2022 Course Participant
The Journey continues…

Segment 2
Now available

Segment 3
Now available
This course is for you if......
You want to learn how to tap into your body’s intelligence, and to trust and follow its guidance
You are looking for a sense of safety and confidence in your body
You want to nourish, regulate and resource your nervous system, and learn to rest deeply
You want practices and processes to develop your innate capacities, strengthen your intuition, and follow your inspiration
You have a deep love for life. You want to feel a part of the Earth's living web, and be in service to life in your unique way
You want to activate connection, compassion and creativity in your life
You have a commitment to developing your strengths and integrating your difficulties, surrendering to and learning from Life in the movement towards wholeness
You are ready to open to new dimensions of experience, and enter into a process of inner and outer revelation
This course is not for you if......
You are looking for a quick-fix, or a one-size-fits-all solution
You need specialised medical or psychological support with your current situation.
You can, however, engage in this course in conjunction with existing therapies, practices and treatment protocols you may be engaged in.
***If you are unsure about your suitability for this course, please get in touch to discuss your situation using the form below***