The Embodiment Journey
At home in the body, at home in the world
Self-paced and supported online course
The Journey continues…

Segment 3
Now available
Available once you have completed Laying the Ground and/or Trusting the Heart
In this segment we begin to open more fully into the space around us. We will explore the larger dimensions of “body” that go beyond our personal experience to include all of life. As our embodiment deepens and widens, we can allow the spontaneous movements of life to flow through us.
Living from our deep aspiration, there is a sense of willingness to receive inspiration and to follow it. We know that what we contribute to the field matters, and we take responsibility for our presence. We deepen into wisdom - the capacity for more of the world to arise in us - and the compassion that naturally arises in response.
Building on our established foundations of embodiment, we will be developing our capacities with a deepening appreciation of the subtle body, our skills of embodied listening, and our growing ability to transmute difficulty into creative possibility.
By listening to the body on all levels, we will give space to developing our sense of purpose, our authentic voice, our unique contribution in the world. We realise our capacity to uplift the space, to enhance the collective environment, for the benefit of all.
This segment also offers a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between practice and creativity in a direct way. All participants of this segment are eligible for individual mentorship to support the expression and flourishing of your offerings in the world. Whether these are already established or still emerging, you are given the space and support to develop your ideas and bring them into reality in a truly fulfilling way.

What you receive with The Embodiment Journey
Skilful Facilitation
Drawing on over 16 years of dedicated experience in embodiment, meditation, and healing arts.
Reliable Methods of Practice
Practices are based on tested transformative methods of healing and enquiry, from both both ancient and modern wellsprings of wisdom.
Flexible Engagement
Practice with support from your home according to your energy and schedule. You have complete autonomy over what material you engage with, and when, and how much. There is no time limit on the course.
Resources and Practices to keep
Each segment includes 12+ hours of recorded talks, movement practices, creative and contemplative enquiries, and self-reflection questions. These are all downloadable and yours to keep for life.
Personal email support
Your purchase includes 3 months of personal email support to clarify points of practice, troubleshoot any issues arising, and to help you feel supported in your process.
Supportive Community Learning Together
The community section of the course is a relaxed and private space to share anything relating to your experience of the course. Have YOUR questions answered and benefit from the questions of others taking the course. Your questions are a gift to everyone’s learning.
Personal and Professional Growth
As you cultivate presence, relatedness and responsivenes, this course will support you in an organic process of revelation and discovery that you can incorporate into your personal and professional life.
Enrich and Deepen Your Existing Practice
Because we are directly increasing our capacity to be fully embodied, The Embodiment Journey will support, complement and deepen any exisiting practice you are engaged in.
Optional Individual Mentoring
As a participant of The Embodiment Journey you have priority access to Individual Mentoring to support your flourishing as a practitioner.
Certificate of completion for each module
You can request a Certificate of Completion for each module you participate in, to use in your personal and professional records
I participated in The Embodiment Journey and found it to be extraordinarily powerful. As a person who has “lived” in their head for so many years I already knew that getting in touch with my body was my way forward. I learned from the course that getting in touch with my body actually needed me to get in touch with the whole universe. Chani is a wonderful teacher whose humility allows for her students to learn and grow under an umbrella of deep compassion. I hope that this course touches the lives of as many people as possible.
Simon - Surveyor, 2022 Course Participant

Segments 1 and 2 are now available
Segment 1 Laying the Ground, and Segment 2 Trusting the Heart are now available.
Uplifting the Space becomes available once you have completed either or both of the first two segments.
This course is for you if......
You want to learn how to tap into your body’s intelligence, and to trust and follow its guidance
You are looking for a sense of safety and confidence in your body
You want to nourish, regulate and resource your nervous system, and learn to rest deeply
You want practices and processes to develop your innate capacities, strengthen your intuition, and follow your inspiration
You have a deep love for life. You want to feel a part of the Earth's living web, and be in service to life in your unique way
You want to activate connection, compassion and creativity in your life
You have a commitment to developing your strengths and integrating your difficulties, surrendering to and learning from Life in the movement towards wholeness
You are ready to open to new dimensions of experience, and enter into a process of inner and outer revelation
This course is not for you if......
You are looking for a quick-fix, or a one-size-fits-all solution
You need specialised medical or psychological support with your current situation.
You can, however, engage in this course in conjunction with existing therapies and treatment protocols you may be engaged in.
***If you are unsure about your suitability for this course, please get in touch to discuss your situation using the form below***