The Embodiment Journey
At home in the body, at home in the world
Self-paced and supported online course
Start anytime. Take as long as you need. There is no time limit on this course.
An immersive and transformative practice opportunity, The Embodiment Journey online course consists of 3 distinct segments that will take you on a gradual and developmental journey to deepening embodiment and empowerment.
Through meditation, movement, experiential anatomy, contemplative and creative enquiry, you will learn and train in key practices, skills and competencies that can lead to a life of satisfaction, joyful contribution, and genuine liberation.
If you have ever wondered how to tap into the potential that you know is within you, and are curious about how your own body can show you the way, then this course is crafted for you.
The 3 Segments of The Embodiment Journey
Laying the Ground
Now available
Trusting the Heart
Now available
Uplifting the Space
Now available
At home in the body,
at home in the world.
An invitation to
The Embodiment Journey

Each segment of The Embodiment Journey includes :
6 unique modules to explore and develop the theme
Within each segment, the modules will include background talks on the key points of practice, guided movement, meditation and creative practices, and support resources. You have complete autonomy to choose what you engage with.
Each module will develop your skills and capacities in a gradual and consistent way, building on the foundations you lay, and refining your awareness, perception, sense of purpose, and inspiration.
Self-reflection processes
You are invited to engage with some reflection questions and journalling practice, to help consolidate your learning and harvest valuable gems of insight from your direct experience.
Interactive Q and A with other students
The course offers a private Q and A section where you can have YOUR questions answered and benefit from the questions of others taking the course. This enriches the experience for everyone. Even though you’re doing it "on your own", you're not alone :)
Personalised email support for 3 months
As part of your purchase you have access to individual email support for 3 months. This is so you can ask about anything arising from your practice, troubleshoot any issues arising, and feel supported in your process.
Invitation to Embodiment Pods
Your purchase includes access to invitation-only immersion workshops that take place 3-4x per year. In these pods, dedicated practitioners and students can come together to explore particular topics in depth. In person or online attendance is available, and sessions will be recorded for those registered.
Optional Bonus Mentoring Package
For those wishing to receive individual guidance or further instruction, you have priority access to Individual Mentoring sessions to support your unique path and expression as a practitioner. You can purchase a mentoring package with your course, or add this on whenever it suits you.
"I would fully recommend this course. It provides a strong framework and the right skills to enable us to begin the trust process, and to enjoy all aspects of being human, both the dark and light. It then provides a variety of resources to move through whatever issues are presenting and then this depth of wisdom grows within and life becomes a joy to live"
Joelle - Bodyworker, 2022 Course Participant

What is a human body? What is it capable of?
How can I learn to use this extraordinary instrument wisely, lovingly, and creatively?
Most of us have heard or been told that the key to freedom is to be PRESENT, to BE HERE, to be with what IS.
Sounds simple, right?
What is not as well known or understood is HOW on earth do we actually do this? Often when we try to meditate or pay attention to our bodies and minds, we meet all sorts of difficulties and seeming obstacles in our way. Or perhaps we have been practising for a while, but keep bumping up against familiar challenges that we don’t know how to move beyond. The most simple thing, we discover, is not so simple after all.
Awareness of the body is known as the first foundation of mindfulness. It lays the ground for everything that follows, so we need to build this foundation thoroughly and skilfully. The body offers us a direct path to liberation, but we need to learn HOW to attend to ourselves in a way that will actually bring us the joy and satisfaction we seek. By establishing a clear sense of our physical form, we gradually begin to open to the wider dimensions of body that include more and more of life in its embrace. We discover more about who and what we really are. This is an organic process of revelation that is unique to each person.
The body also connects us to all of the life that is now and has ever been on our planet. It is the holder of all of our personal, collective and planetary history. Therefore, the body connects us to a tremendous data bank and support system that we can draw on to resource, illuminate, and integrate our lives here and now.
This 3-segment practice series is designed to demystify the principles of unfoldment through the body in a way that can be readily understood and applied. Each segment stands alone, but they build upon each other developmentally as you progress. Each will offer you practices and skill sets to train your attention and strengthen your capacities of presence, relatedness and responsiveness. They will build your confidence and trust in your own direct experience, and will support you to discover and develop your unique and genuine expression. This is a training in embodiment, and you will be shown the “what”, the “why” and most importantly the “how”.
At this time on Earth, with so much upheaval and fragmentation, we need many, many humans who are skilled and resourced to surf the changes we are facing while holding the ground of love for themselves and others.
This is a huge challenge, but it is also imminently possible. We have everything we need to actualise that potential within us already. We simply need to be shown how to recognise it, germinate it, develop it, and then use it well.
This training is offered as a contribution to the personal and collective healing, integration and transformation that is needed for us to activate our true potential and forge a new way, for the wellbeing and flourishing of all of life.
If you have ever wondered how to tap into the potential that you know is within you,
and are curious about how your own body can show you the way, then this course is crafted for you.
The Journey begins…

In this segment we will lay down a steady foundation for our embodiment journey, and learn to honour and trust our direct experience. We will introduce the foundational practices to train our attention, and discover the power of an open question to activate our unfolding.
Through movement, meditation and experiential anatomy, we will enquire into many questions, including - What is a body? What is it comprised of? What are its layers of experience? How do I experience my body and what is my relationship to it? How do I train my senses? What does my body have to teach me? How can I learn to trust my experience?
We will strengthen our capacity to self-regulate, reduce stress, deepen calm, and come into a more congruent relationship with our bodily experience. This allows us to develop an easeful and satisfying way to inhabit our day to day lives.
Central to this segment is a training in learning to feel directly in our bodies the support of the Earth. Opening to this vast resevoir and bank of experience, we can discover internal and external resources we didn’t know we had. This liberates stuck energy and offers us a genuine pathway to healing, wholeness, and clarity of purpose.
I participated in The Embodiment Journey and found it to be extraordinarily powerful. As a person who has “lived” in their head for so many years I already knew that getting in touch with my body was my way forward. I learned from the course that getting in touch with my body actually needed me to get in touch with the whole universe. Chani is a wonderful teacher whose humility allows for her students to learn and grow under an umbrella of deep compassion. I hope that this course touches the lives of as many people as possible.
Simon - Surveyor, 2022 Course Participant

At the time of commencing the course, I was in deep despair and sorrow over the declining state of Mother Earth and our seeming unpreparedness as a species to make the changes necessary for our civilisation to prosper and survive. None of this has changed, in fact the crisis has deepened. Through my participation in this course, I found a way to come back to being grounded in nature again and to rest in my body when it all becomes overwhelming and somehow settle the despair and allow presence to be a felt experience. It doesn’t change the world - but it makes it easier to bear and to find the beauty and sustenance and life makes sense again. I highly recommend this course.
Carol - 2022 Course Participant

What you will receive with each segment of The Embodiment Journey
Skilful Facilitation
Drawing on over 16 years of dedicated experience in embodiment, meditation, and healing arts.
Reliable Methods of Practice
Practices are based on tested transformative methods of healing and enquiry, from both both ancient and modern wellsprings of wisdom.
Flexible Engagement
Practice with support from your home according to your energy and schedule. You have complete autonomy over what material you engage with, and when, and how much. There is no time limit on the course.
Resources and Practices to keep
Each segment includes 12+ hours of recorded talks, movement practices, creative and contemplative enquiries, and self-reflection questions. These are all downloadable and yours to keep for life.
Supportive Community Learning Together
The community section of the course is a relaxed and private space to share anything relating to your experience of the course. Have YOUR questions answered and benefit from the questions of others taking the course. Your questions are a gift to everyone’s learning.
Personal and Professional Growth
As you cultivate presence, relatedness and responsivenes, this course will support you in an organic process of revelation and discovery that you can incorporate into your personal and professional life.
Enrich and Deepen Your Existing Practice
Because we are directly increasing our capacity to be fully embodied, The Embodiment Journey will support, complement and deepen any exisiting practice you are engaged in.
Certificate of completion for each module
You can request a Certificate of Completion for each module you participate in, to use in your personal and professional records
The Journey continues…

Segment 2
Now available
"I felt that The Embodiment Journey was a constant stream of gems and insights that are continually giving."
Jenny - School Teacher, 2022 Course Participant

Segment 3
Now available
Available once you have completed Laying the Ground and/or Trusting the Heart
This course is for you if......
You want to learn how to tap into your body’s intelligence, and to trust and follow its guidance
You are looking for a sense of safety and confidence in your body
You want to nourish, regulate and resource your nervous system, and learn to rest deeply
You want practices and processes to develop your innate capacities, strengthen your intuition, and follow your inspiration
You have a deep love for life. You want to feel a part of the Earth's living web, and be in service to life in your unique way
You are looking for grounded and accessible methods to navigate the challenges of our current world situation
You want to activate connection, compassion and creativity in your life
You have a commitment to developing your strengths and integrating your difficulties, surrendering to and learning from Life in the movement towards wholeness
You are ready to open to new dimensions of experience, and enter into a process of inner and outer revelation
This course assumes a high degree of maturity and self-responsibility.
It offers ongoing support through the practices themselves and their background resources, personal email support and guidance on how to maintain your own practice, and the possibility for community connection and individual mentoring. However you should be prepared to resource yourself with your existing and developing support networks, including professional support if needed. This course is NOT designed to be a therapeutic space per se, however the work by its nature is revealing and transformative and may therefore be challenging at times. These growth edges are opportunities to discover more of the fullness of our embodiment and humanity. You are invited to fold whatever is experienced into the process of discovery, and you are welcome to bring absolutely any aspect of your experience to this learning environment.
This course is not for you if......
You are looking for a quick-fix, or a one-size-fits-all solution
You need specialised medical or psychological support with your current situation
You can, however, engage in this course in conjunction with existing therapies, practices and treatment protocols you may be engaged in.
***If you are unsure about your suitability for this course, please get in touch to discuss your situation using the form below***
A Message from Chani
This course is the synthesis of many years of experience into a body of practice that anyone who is interested can learn and deepen into. It draws from Dharma teachings (that point directly to the truth of how things are), and meditative wisdom traditions, the field of trauma healing and integration, and my work as a Feldenkrais Practitioner and Embodiment Facilitator. Fundamentally it is designed to point you in the direction of your own deep wellspring of wisdom, and to give you a reliable map to show the way. It is offered in service of life, and all of our Earth’s living family, that we may find a new way to live, together.
I want to honour and give thanks to all my teachers and colleagues with whom I have studied, practiced and learned so much from over many years. My wish is to share what I’ve learned in a grounded, accessible and inspiring way - to open a door for any curious person to walk through to discover the keys to their own unfolding. And I know that as a community we will create an honest, open, trusting and compassionate space, to support and celebrate everyone’s process.
I hope you will join us!

Please get in touch with any questions you might have about The Embodiment Journey.