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Beginning Now

A 4-week Introductory Meditation Course

with Kath Mitchell, Mark Schrader and Chani Grieve

4 Wednesday evenings, 7pm - 8:30pm

January 31st, February 7th, 14th, 21st

Fairfield House, Nelson

In a chaotic and challenging world it seems essential to develop a steady anchor, a guiding light, for our lives. Coming to know our own body, breath and mind can offer us this clarity and stability.

This course will teach and practice the focused meditation on breathing, one of the most effective meditative practices that has been taught and practiced continuously since the time of the Buddha. It is designed to lead people skilfully from wherever they are now to the full potential for healing and freedom made possible through meditation. It is universal in scope, and suitable for anyone to learn.

The course will be experiential and lively. It will offer clear meditation instruction along with helpful context for understanding the benefits and challenges of practice. There will be plenty of time for questions, sharing our experience, troubleshooting our difficulties and celebrating our discoveries.

Begin, or deepen, your meditation practice in this supportive community environment, as we strengthen our capacity, widen our perspective, and cultivate friendliness towards every aspect of our rich and complex lives.

Cost : $60 registration fee, covers room hire and course resources

Plus Dana* for the facilitators - an offering from the heart according to your means

If finances are a barrier, please get in touch to discuss possibilities for attending

Registrations are essential. Please email Kath

10 December

Morning of Mindfulness - Meeting with Joy

19 February

Flexible Body, Flexible Mind